doula-palmer-wasilla-eagle river-anchorage
doula-palmer-wasilla-eagle river-anchorage


doula-palmer-wasilla-eagle river-anchorage-tricare

are you an expectant military mom in alaska?

Are you brand new to the JBER area and expecting a baby?

Have you been here for a while but are unsure of what pregnancy and birth support Tricare will cover?

Do you want to have your baby off base but don't know which providers accept Tricare?

Are you interested in having a doula support your birth?

Join our free informational webinar

Led by local Tricare approved Alaskan doulas

Let us answer your questions and connect you with local resources to support your pregnancy and birth.

Friday, May 31st @ 7:00 (Alaska Time)


What is a doula? 

A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional and physical support to expectant mothers before, during, and after childbirth.

How is a doula different from a midwife?

A midwife is a licensed medical professional who is responsible for the medical care of the mother and baby. A doula, on the other hand, provides emotional and physical support to the mother but is not a medical provider. In a word, midwives catch, and doulas coach.

do you have product recomendations?

Visit my Wayward store here to see all of my favorite pregnancy, birth, and postpartum items, as well as a few other fun goodies.

What are the benefits of having a doula?

Studies have shown that having a doula present during labor can lead to shorter labor times, fewer interventions, and increased satisfaction with the birth experience.

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    Spinning babies

    Spinning Babies focuses on preparing you and your baby for an optimal birth experience through positioning and education.

  • alaska birth collective

    Alaska birth collective

    The Alaska Birth Collective is a non-profit, community-based, volunteer organization that helps educate and empower Alaskan birthing families. (Christine serves on the ABC board!)

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    4th trimester fitness method

    Improving your birth and postpartum experience through movement and education. (Christine is a certified instructor!)

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    Evidence Based Birth

    Evidence Based Birth is a non-profit organization that provides unbiased information and resources on pregnancy, birth, and parenting based on the best available evidence.

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    Birth Monopoly

    Support for families and birth workers coping with obstetric violence and the aftermath of birth injuries.

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    Filing a grievance

    Resources for filing hospital grievances and reporting provider abuse.

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    postpartum support international

    Nationwide assistance, provider guide, and hotline for parents coping with postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

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    be her village

    Be Her Village provides registry support for families who would like assistance in paying for their doula support.